
Are women turning to cannabis for menopause symptom relief?

A woman's arm and hand with red-polished nails holding up a green marijuana leaf; background is different shades of yellow and a sharp shadow appears on a cream surface

Hot flashes and sleep or mood changes are well-known, troublesome symptoms that may occur during perimenopause and menopause. Now, one survey suggests nearly 80% of midlife women use cannabis to ease certain symptoms, such as mood issues and trouble sleeping.

Mounting numbers of US states have legalized marijuana for medical or recreational use in recent years. This wave of acceptance runs alongside skepticism in some quarters concerning FDA-approved menopause treatment options, including hormone therapy. But a lack of long-term research data surrounding cannabis use has led one Harvard expert to question how safe it may be, even while acknowledging its likely effectiveness for certain menopause woes.

“More and more patients tell me every year that they’ve tried cannabis or CBD (cannabidiol, an active ingredient in cannabis), particularly for sleep or anxiety,” says Dr. Heather Hirsch, head of the Menopause and Midlife Clinic at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Adding to its appeal is that cannabis is now legal in so many places and works acutely for a couple of hours. You don’t need a doctor’s prescription. Socially, it may be easier to justify than using a medication. But why is there a movement toward saying okay to something that has unknown long-term effects, more than something that’s been studied and proven safe?” she asks.

Survey reports on who uses cannabis, why, and how

The new Harvard-led survey, published in the journal Menopause, looked at patterns of cannabis use in 131 women in perimenopause — the often years-long stretch before periods cease — along with 127 women who had passed through menopause. Participants were recruited through online postings on social media sites and an online recruitment platform. Nearly all survey respondents were white and most were middle-class, according to income reporting.

The vast majority (86%) were current cannabis users. Participants were split on whether they used cannabis for medical reasons, recreational purposes, or both. Nearly 79% endorsed it to alleviate menopause-related symptoms. Of those, 67% said cannabis helps with sleep disturbance, while 46% reported it helps improve mood and anxiety.

Perimenopausal women reported worse menopausal symptoms than their postmenopausal peers, as well as greater cannabis use to address their symptoms. More than 84% of participants reported smoking cannabis, while 78% consumed marijuana edibles, and nearly 53% used vaping oils.

One glaring limitation of the analysis is its self-selected group of participants, which lacked diversity and might skew results. But Dr. Hirsch wasn’t surprised by the high proportion reporting regular cannabis use. “I wouldn’t be surprised if those numbers reflect the broader population,” she says.

How might cannabis help menopause symptoms?

It makes sense that midlife women reported cannabis improves anxiety, mood, and sleep, Dr. Hirsch says. The drug likely helps all of these symptoms by “dimming the prefrontal cortex, the decision-making part of our brain.”

For many women, anxiety spikes during perimenopause, she notes. Common stressors during that time, such as aging parents or an emptying nest, add to the effects of dipping hormones. “It’s that feeling of, ‘I can’t turn my brain off.’ It’s really disturbing because they get in bed and can’t fall asleep, so they’re more tired, moody, and cranky the next day,” she explains. Dimming the prefrontal cortex enables people to calm down.

Hot flashes, often cited as the most common menopause symptom, did not improve as much from cannabis use, according to survey respondents. That too makes sense, Dr. Hirsch says, because the hypothalamus — the brain region considered the body’s thermostat — isn’t believed to be significantly affected by the drug.

No research yet on long-term effects

Given a lack of clinical trials objectively testing the effectiveness and safety of cannabis to manage menopause symptoms, more research is clearly needed.

“If people are finding relief from cannabis, great. But is it safe? We think so, but we don’t know,” she says. “There are no studies of middle-aged women using cannabis for 10 years, for as long as menopause symptoms often last. Are there going to be long-term effects on memory? On lung function? We don’t know.”

About the Author

photo of Maureen Salamon

Maureen Salamon, Executive Editor, Harvard Women's Health Watch

Maureen Salamon is executive editor of Harvard Women’s Health Watch. She began her career as a newspaper reporter and later covered health and medicine for a wide variety of websites, magazines, and hospitals. Her work has … See Full Bio View all posts by Maureen Salamon


Does your child need to gain weight?

Six pieces of whole wheat toast decorated with fun animal faces added using nut butter, cheese, a chocolatey spread, berries and banana slices

Understandably, the sensitive topic of weight in children and teens often focuses on the health costs of overweight and obesity. Sometimes, though, a child needs to gain some weight. And while there are lots of ways to make that happen, not all of them are healthy.

What to do if your child seems underweight

If you are worried about whether your child needs to gain weight, it’s very important to check with your doctor before getting to work on fattening them up. It’s entirely possible that your child’s weight is absolutely fine. Given that one in five children in the US is obese and another one in six is overweight, it’s easy to see how a parent might think their child is too thin in comparison. One way to find out if your child’s weight is healthy is to check their body mass index, a calculation using height and weight that is used for children ages 2 and up.

Losing weight or being underweight can be a sign of a medical or emotional problem, so be sure to let your doctor know about your concerns. They may want to see your child to help decide if any evaluations are needed. If your child is less than 2 years old, it’s particularly important that you check in with your doctor about weight concerns, and follow their advice exactly.

Choosing healthy foods when a child needs to gain weight

If your child is older than 2 and the doctor agrees that gaining weight is a good idea, the best way to approach it is by using healthy foods and healthy habits.

Three ways to help encourage healthy weight gain:

  • Give your child three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and two healthy snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). If your child eats dinner early, you could consider a small snack before bedtime. Try to avoid snacks in between or drinking anything other than some water; you want them to be hungry when you give them food.
  • Offer healthy high-calorie foods. Think in terms of healthy fats and protein. Some examples are:
    • nuts and nut butters, as well as seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds
    • full-fat dairy, such as whole milk, heavy cream, cream cheese, and other cheeses
    • avocados
    • hummus
    • olive oil and other vegetable oils
    • whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread or granola (look for granola sweetened with juice or fruit rather than sugar)
    • meat if your diet includes it
  • Every time you prepare a meal or snack, think about how you might add some calories to it. For example, you could add some extra oil, butter, or cheese to pasta — or some nut butter on a slice of apple or piece of toast.

Three traps to avoid:

  • Giving your child more sweets or junk food. It’s tempting, as children generally want to eat sweets and junk food, and both have calories. But they aren’t healthy foods, and it’s not a good idea to build a sweets and junk food habit.
  • Giving your child unlimited access to food. This, too, is tempting — after all, you want them to eat! But not only does that make it hard to be sure that what they are eating is healthy, snacking can make them less hungry when it’s time for an actual meal.
  • Letting your child fill up on milk and other drinks — including nutritional supplement drinks. This, too, makes it less likely that they will eat at mealtime, and they are unlikely to get all the nutrients they need. Don’t give your child nutritional supplements unless your doctor advises you to do so.

Be sure you schedule regular check-ins with your doctor to monitor your child’s progress. Hopefully your child will soon be at a healthier weight that helps them to thrive as they grow.

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD


What is frontotemporal dementia?

Concept of confusion, yellow cutout of head with scribbles and question marks in brain and top of head opening; turquoise blue background

Many people know the form of dementia called Alzheimer’s disease. But what is frontotemporal dementia (FTD)? Damage to nerves in certain parts of the brain causes a group of frontotemporal disorders, affecting behavior and language as I’ll describe below.

Early signs of frontotemporal dementia

Have you noticed someone behaving differently? Is your coworker doing odd things, such as slapping each door as they walk down the hall? Or has your previously kind and caring spouse lost their capacity for empathy, such that when you told them about your cancer diagnosis, they complained that your treatment schedule would interfere with their golf game? If so, they might be showing early signs of the behavioral variant of FTD.

Maybe there’s a problem with language, rather than behavior. Perhaps it started with difficulty finding words (like any older adult), but is your sibling now having trouble with grammar and getting out an intelligible sentence? Or does your friend not know the meaning of some ordinary words, like pizza, lemonade, wood, or metal? If so, they might be showing signs of primary progressive aphasia, which may also be due to FTD.

A common pathology inside the brain

What’s the connection between these behavior and language problems? Why are they both part of FTD?

Both have the same underlying causes: a family of abnormal proteins that can be seen under the microscope. In fact, more than a dozen different pathologies can cause FTD. Each of them can lead to either behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia or the language difficulties of primary progressive aphasia.

Location, location, location

How can the same pathology — the same abnormal protein — lead to either behavior problems or language problems, or sometimes both? The answer is, it depends on where the pathology is.

The frontal lobes of your brain, behind your forehead, regulate and guide your personality, judgement, and behavior. So, if the frontotemporal pathology is in this region, it will cause changes in personality, judgement, and behavior.

The left temporal lobe (near your left ear and temple) and a part of the left frontal lobe just above it are the critical brain regions for language. When these areas are affected by frontotemporal pathology, language problems develop.

How does frontotemporal dementia compare with Alzheimer’s disease?

Frontotemporal dementia affects people in middle age, usually between ages 45 and 65, although one-quarter of individuals are diagnosed after age 65. Alzheimer’s usually affects people over 65.

In terms of symptoms, people with frontotemporal dementia experience either language or behavior problems, whereas people with Alzheimer’s disease — the most common cause of dementia — usually have memory problems.

Because more than 12 different abnormal proteins can cause frontotemporal dementia, it has a very variable time course. From the time of diagnosis, people with frontotemporal dementia need nursing home–level care in two to 20 years. The typical range with Alzheimer’s disease is four to 12 years.

Who is at risk for FTD?

Up to 40% of cases of frontotemporal dementia run in families, but that means at least 60% of cases do not. Unfortunately, everyone is at risk for frontotemporal dementia as they approach middle age.

What are common signs of the behavioral variant?

There are six common signs of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, and most people with the disorder have at least three of them. They are:

  • loss of self-control
  • apathy or inertia (not wanting to do anything)
  • loss of sympathy or empathy
  • repetitive or compulsive, ritualistic behavior
  • uncontrolled or unusual eating
  • difficulty doing complicated tasks.

One individual I cared for with this disorder would walk up to strangers, stand closer than would be comfortable, and say loudly, “You’re handsome!” Another would eat almost anything left out in the kitchen. One woman I treated with this disorder tried to pick up men from a restaurant — while her husband was sitting at the next table. A previously kind and shy grandfather with frontotemporal dementia began to ask his daughter-in-law for sexual favors.

What are common signs of the language variants?

Two variants of primary progressive aphasia are part of the frontotemporal dementia family of diseases. Common signs are:

  • difficulty getting words and sentences out, although the meaning of words is preserved (nonfluent or agrammatic variant). People become frustrated because they know what they want to say but find it difficult or impossible to do so.
  • losing the meaning of words (semantic variant). I had one patient who did not know the meaning of the words shoe, pants, foot, knee, elbow, and many other words related to clothing and parts of the body.

Can frontotemporal dementia be treated?

Currently, there is no cure or way to slow these disorders down, so treatment is supportive. SSRI medications (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) can help with some disinhibited behaviors.

Speech therapy can be helpful, at least initially, with primary progressive aphasia, but thus far no medications are effective.

What can I do if I suspect that someone has frontotemporal dementia?

FTD is difficult to diagnose. Because it affects people in middle age, dementia is usually not suspected. Early in the disease, people are often thought to be having a midlife crisis, depression, or perhaps a drug or alcohol problem. Many marriages end prior to the diagnosis because the spouse with the disorder has grown self-absorbed and inconsiderate over several years.

If you do suspect the disorder, start by simply asking the person if there is anything that you can help with. You may find out that it is another problem entirely. But if it is becoming clear that this or another form of dementia may be involved, encourage them and their family to discuss this possibility with their doctor.

About the Author

photo of Andrew E. Budson, MD

Andrew E. Budson, MD,

Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Andrew E. Budson is chief of cognitive & behavioral neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, lecturer in neurology at Harvard Medical School, and chair of the Science of Learning Innovation Group at the … See Full Bio View all posts by Andrew E. Budson, MD


Helping children make friends: What parents can do

Three children around three large, interlocked white puzzle pieces and a fourth bringing a large piece to finish the puzzle; background is gray

We all want our child to have friends. We want them to be happy, and to build the social skills and connections that will help them now and in the future.

Sometimes, and for some children, making friends isn’t easy. This is particularly true after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of isolation and remote school, many children either didn’t learn the skills they need to make friends — or those skills got rusty.

Here are some ways parents can help.

Start at home: Learning relationship skills

Making and keeping friends involves skills that are best learned at home with your family. Some of them include:

  • Empathy. Make sure that everyone in the family treats each other fairly and with kindness. Sometimes we turn a blind eye to sibling fights, or feel justified in snapping at our partner when we have had a long day. No matter what we say, our children pay attention to what we do.
  • Curiosity about others. Make a family habit of asking each other about their day, their interests, their thoughts.
  • Communication skills. These days, devices endanger the development of those skills. Shut off the devices. Have family dinners. Talk with each other.
  • Cooperation. Do projects, play games, and do chores as a family. Work together. Help your child learn about taking turns and valuing the input of others.
  • Regulating emotions. It’s normal to have strong feelings. When your child does, help them find ways to understand big emotions and manage them.
  • Knowing when and how to apologize — and forgive. This really comes under empathy, but teach your child how to apologize for their mistakes, make amends, and forgive the mistakes of others.

All of these apply also to how you and your partner talk about — or with — other people in front of your children, too!

Be a good role model outside the home, too

When you are outside your home, be friendly! Strike up conversations, ask questions of people around you. Help your child learn confidence and strategies for talking to people they don’t know.

Make interactions easier

Conversations and interactions can be easier if they are organized around a common interest or activity. Here are some ways parents can help:

  • Sign your child up for sports or other activities that involve their peers. Make sure it’s something they have at least some interest in doing.
  • Get to know the parents of some of your child’s peers — and invite them all to an outing or meal. It could allow the children to get to know each other while taking some of the pressure off.
  • When planning playdates, think about fun, cooperative activities — like baking cookies, or going to a park or museum.

Keep an eye on your child — but don’t hover

Ultimately, your child needs to learn to do this — and you don’t want to embarrass them, either. The two exceptions might be:

  • If the children aren’t interacting at all, you might want to suggest some options for activities. Facilitate as necessary, and step back out again.
  • If there is fighting or meanness on either side, you should step in and make it clear that such behavior isn’t okay.

Keep an open line of communication, and be supportive

Talk with your child regularly about their day, about their interactions, and how things made them feel. Listen more than you talk. Be positive and supportive. Remember that part of being supportive is understanding your child’s personality and seeing the world from their eyes. You can’t make your child someone they are not.

If your child keeps struggling with making friends, talk to your doctor

All parents need help sometimes — and sometimes there is more to the problem than meets the eye. This is particularly true if your child has ADHD or another diagnosis that could make interactions more challenging.

For information on supporting friendships at different ages, check out the advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

About the Author

photo of Claire McCarthy, MD

Claire McCarthy, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Claire McCarthy, MD, is a primary care pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital, and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition to being a senior faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. McCarthy … See Full Bio View all posts by Claire McCarthy, MD